
Prudential plc委任何卓逸為首席企業事務總監

Prudential plc(「保誠」)今日宣佈委任何卓逸博士 (Dr. Zoe Hibbert) 為首席企業事務總監。何博士主要負責保誠的企業事務職能,包括傳訊、活動及品牌策略, 並向執行總裁華康堯 (Anil Wadhwani) 匯報工作。是項委任即時生效。

何博士常駐香港,她擁有逾35年的亞洲及北美洲傳訊經驗,曾在多家國際金融機構擔任高級職位。加入保誠之前 , 她在Visa領導全球企業及北美傳訊團隊,也曾經領導Visa亞太區傳訊部門和其產品、創新及營銷團隊。在Visa之前,何博士擔任Burson-Marsteller Australia董事總經理。



何博士持有查爾斯特大學(Charles Sturt University) 傳訊學博士學位。

Simon Kutner +44 (0)7581 023 260
曾安琪 +852 5580 7525


關於Prudential plc
Prudential plc(保誠)在亞洲及非洲24個市場提供人壽﹑健康保險以及資產管理服務。保誠的使命旨在透過向當代及新生代提供簡單易用的理財和健康保障方案,成為其最值得信賴的夥伴和守護者。保誠於香港聯合交易所(2378)及倫敦證券交易所(PRU)擁有雙重第一上市地位。保誠亦於新加坡證券交易所(K6S)作第二上市及以美國預託證券形式於紐約證券交易所(PUK)上市。保誠為恒生綜合指數成份股,並獲納入滬港通和深港通機制進行買賣。

保誠與保德信金融集團(一家主要營業地點位於美國的公司)及The Prudential Assurance Company Limited(M&G plc的附屬公司,一家於英國註冊成立的公司)均無任何聯屬關係。


Jackson National Life Insurance Company


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If you are looking for an affiliate of Prudential Financial, Inc, whose principal place of business is in the United States of America.

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

PPM America


You are about to enter the website of our US affiliate PPM America, an indirect subsidiary of Prudential plc of the United Kingdom.

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If you are looking for an affiliate of Prudential Financial, Inc, whose principal place of business is in the United States of America.

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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