
第一次中期股息 (英镑便士) 第二次中期股息 (英镑便士)
现金股息 代息股份参考价格 现金股息 代息股份参考价格
1998 - - 14.00 881.90
1999 7.70 1003.40 15.30 986.00
2000 8.20 1035.40 16.30 806.70
2001 8.70 772.40 16.70 680.10
2002 8.90 440.60 17.10 394.80
2003 5.30 460.85 10.70 448.40
2004 5.40 428.55 10.65 481.70
2005 5.30 510.80 11.02 690.60
2006 5.42 577.00 11.72 742.80
2007 5.70 647.40 12.30 664.20
2008 5.99 544.90 12.91 358.10
2009 6.29 526.28 13.56 569.60
2010 6.61 569.30 - -
现金股息 股息转投计划价格(附注) 现金股息 股息转投计划价格(附注)
2010 - - 17.24 733.02^
2011 7.95 563.18 17.24 691.22
2012 8.40 818.71 20.79 1189.01
2013 9.73 1185.88 23.84 1413.39
2014 11.19 1446.81 25.74 1671.60
2015 12.31 1376.7512 36.47 1345.6129
2016 12.93 1408.9298 30.57 1781.6016
2017 14.50 1793.0833 32.50 1950.2595
2018 15.67 1822.0545 33.68 1687.4736
2019 16.45 1466.1304
第一次中期 (美分) 第二次中期 (美分)
现金股息 股息转投计划价格(附注) 代息股份参考价格 现金股息 股息转投计划价格(附注) 代息股份参考价格
2019 - - - 25.97 1065.0437 -
2020 5.37 1167.2809 - 10.73 1519.5398 -
2021 5.37 1450.2848 - 11.86 960.3968 -
2022 5.74 957.1365 - 13.04 1169.1150 -
2023 6.26 871.6600 - 14.21 819.3100 -
2024 6.84 655.22 804.6366      


包括 10.00 便士的一次特别股息

(1) 2018年9月前包括0.5%交易佣金及0.5%印花税。
(2) 2018年9月至2023年2月期间包括0.75%交易佣金及0.5%印花税。
(3) 自2022年第二次中期股息起,不包括交易佣金及印花税。交易佣金为1.5%,最低费用为2.00英镑 (自2023年3月31日起生效), 印花税维持于 0.5%不变。更多详细资讯载于派息时寄予股东的购股声明。



第一次中期 (美元) 第二次中期 (美元)
现金股息 现金股息
2004 - 0.4047
2005 0.18444 0.4047
2006 0.201624 0.3857
2007 0.232058 0.461088
2008 0.2378749 0.3766622
2009 0.208173 0.406474
现金股息 现金股息
2010 0.207395 0.554403
2011 0.244144 0.539991
2012 0.27221 0.625945
2013 0.31136 0.803503
2014 0.364614 0.805404
2015 0.375258 1.057921*
2016 0.335016 0.795309
2017 0.289035 0.874575
2018 0.3134 0.859311
2019 0.4052951   0.5194  
2020 0.1074   0.2146  
2021 0.1074   0.2372  
2022 0.1148   0.2608  
2023 0.1252   0.2842  
2024 0.1368    

* 包括一次特别股息


代息股份参考价格用于计算若股东选择收取股份代替现金股息,将会派付予股东的股份数目。应付股份数目的计算方法是以每股应收现金股息总额除以代息股份参考价格。代息股份参考价格根据除息日起五个工作日从伦敦证券交易所每日官方报价获取的保诚普通股中间市场报价的平均值计算。于1997 年 11 月或 1998 年 5 月并无提供代息股份。

股息转投计划 (DRIP)

^由 2011 年 5 月 26 日起,本公司以股息转投计划 (DRIP) 代替代息股份。股息转投计划使用本应派付股东的现金股息在市场购入股份。购入的股份其后根据应收现金股息比例分配予选取此计划的各位股东。就股份支付的价格于购入所有股份后方可知晓。

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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