At the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM), shareholders authorised the Board to introduce a scrip dividend scheme with the intention to enhance liquidity in the Company’s shares trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX). Eligible shareholders may opt for their dividend to be received as new fully paid ordinary shares in Prudential, listed and traded on the HKEX and registered in Hong Kong, under our Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme (‘scrip dividend’). The Board intends that this scrip dividend option will be offered for future dividends, although this will be at the discretion of the Board. 

Note: The Company will not provide investment or tax advice in respect of the scrip dividend scheme. If you need financial or tax advice, please contact an appropriately qualified independent professional adviser. The contents that follow are subordinate in all respects to the terms and conditions of the scrip dividend scheme (the “Terms and Conditions”). For full details, please read the Scrip Dividend Scheme Terms and Conditions.

To participate in the scrip dividend scheme, please make a scrip dividend election in the manner applicable to your shareholding by the applicable election deadline (see below key dates). Please see below for the contact details of our registrars (Computershare) and CDP for further details.

Options available for future dividends
Eligible shareholders can now elect from the following options in respect of future dividends:

  1. cash payments with currency options;
  2. for shareholders on the United Kingdom (UK) register, the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP); or
  3. scrip dividend shares, if and when offered to eligible shareholders.

Election deadline dates

To participate in the scrip dividend scheme in time for the 2024 second interim dividend we need to have received your election by the following deadlines:

Time Date Shareholders
5:30 pm (Singapore time) 10 April 2025 Singapore Shareholders: submit electronic elections via CDP

5:00 pm (UK time) /
4:30 pm (HK time)
(as applicable)

22 April 2025 Shareholders (excluding Singapore Shareholders): submit Mandate Form to our registrars or election via CREST or your intermediary/CCASS

Key documents: 2024 Second Interim Dividend

Dividend announcement Dividend per ordinary share Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme Terms and Conditions/ Tax information Election for non-Singapore holders Election for Singapore CDP holders
2024 Second Interim Dividend
(20 March 2025)
- English
- Chinese
16.29 US cents Terms and Conditions

Tax Information
(please read in conjuction with the "Supplemental Tax Information") English
Mandate Form (HK shareholders)(Note)

Mandate Form
(UK certificated shareholders)

Mandate Form
(UK CREST shareholders)
Notification Letter to Depositors(Note)

Notification Letter to Depository Agents(Note)

Entitlement advice(Note)

1The Company published the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme on 13 September 2024. For full details, please read here (English/Chinese).
2The above mandate form for HK shareholders will be available on or around 3 April 2025
3UK CREST shareholders can make election after Electronic Election Entitlements are distributed on 31 March 2025.
4The above notification letter/advice for Singapore shareholders will be available on or around 4 April 2025.

Frequently asked questions

Following the approval of the requisite resolution at the Company’s 2024 annual general meeting, the Board approved an evergreen scrip dividend scheme which would involve the issuance of new ordinary shares on the Hong Kong line only. This is intended to, over time, enhance liquidity in the Company’s shares trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. For the 2024 first interim dividend, the Company offered a scrip dividend alternative under its Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme and plans to offer a scrip dividend alternative for future dividends as and when appropriate.

If you are a holder of Prudential plc ordinary shares, you are entitled to receive dividends announced by the Company. Typically, dividends are distributed by the Company to shareholders in the form of cash (with an option to participate in a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP).

The DRIP will reinvest the cash dividend amount to purchase existing shares in the market on the UK line, the purchase of shares will be subject to commission and stamp duty charges. Please note, all residents in the European Economic Area (EEA) will only be able to receive a cash payment, the purchase of Dividend Reinvestment Shares will not be permitted. This will not apply to CREST participants. Please visit the terms and conditions of the service available via

The Company’s Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme (the “Scheme”) allows eligible shareholders to elect to receive new ordinary shares, issued on the Hong Kong line, instead of cash dividends or DRIP participation.

The Scheme may allow you to increase your shareholding without incurring dealing costs or stamp duty (other than in respect of the Dealing Facility shareholders – see below).

For the protection of the shareholders, the Board may determine that the scrip dividend alternative will not proceed if the middle market price for the Company’s shares on the London Stock Exchange falls by 15 per cent or more from the Scrip Reference Price by the Election Deadline Date. In this case a cash dividend only will be paid, but mandates to future scrip dividends will remain in place.

A summary timetable for the 2024 second interim dividend is as follows with key deadlines for shareholders highlighted below

Announcement of 2024 Second Interim Dividend 20 March 2025
Ex-Dividend date 27 March 2025
Record Date 28 March 2025
Electronic Election Entitlements sent to shareholders holding shares through CREST 31 March 2025
Scrip Reference Price announced 2 April 2025
Scrip Reference Price (USD) To be announced
Publication of the Mandate Forms and Notification Letters (for Singapore Shareholders) ~3 April 2025 (Hong Kong)
~4 April 2025 (Singapore)
Mandate forms for UK shareholders are available to download on Prudential’s website
Election Deadline Date for Singapore Shareholders at 5.30pm (Singapore time) 10 April 2025
Election Deadline Date for non-Singapore Shareholders at 5:00 p.m. (UK time) or 4:30 p.m. (Hong Kong time) 22 April 2025
Announcement regarding issue of new shares pursuant to scrip dividend alternative ~25 April 2025
Announcement of Exchange Rate determined for payment of dividends in sterling or Hong Kong dollars ~28 April 2025
Dividend Payment date, when cash dividends are paid and applicable CCASS accounts are credited with new scrip shares (other than scrip shares to be sold under the Dealing Facility) 14 May 2025 (Hong Kong, UK and ADR holders)
~21 May 2025 (Singapore)
Postal date for share certificates 14 May 2025
Distribution of sale proceeds to the UK Register Shareholders who participate via the Dealing Facility Within 14 Hong Kong trading days of share sale completion
~ = on or around the time or date.

The number of new shares that shareholders are entitled to under the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme is based on the “Scrip Reference Price”, being the average middle-market price of the Company’s shares on the London Stock Exchange over a five-day dealing period commencing on the Ex-Dividend Date and converted to US Dollars using the mid-point WMR spot exchange rates quoted by Bloomberg in London at or around 11:00 a.m. on the last day of such period. The Scrip Reference Price for the 2024 second interim dividend will be announced on 2 April 2025.

The formula for calculating the entitlement to new shares is:

Number of ordinary shares held as at the Record Date x cash dividend per share in USD, as declared = maximum dividend in USD available for share election
maximum dividend available ÷ Scrip Reference Price = maximum number of new shares (rounded down to the nearest whole number)

Prudential’s Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme allows eligible shareholders to elect to receive their dividend in the form of new shares in the Company instead of cash dividends.

These new shares will be issued on the Hong Kong branch register and available for trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Applications are being made to (i) the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the LSE to facilitate any subsequent transfer of new shares to the United Kingdom register; and (ii) SGX to facilitate the listing of new shares on the SGX. Please refer to the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme Terms and Conditions for more detailed information on the admission of new shares and for eligibility criteria to participate in the scrip dividend scheme.

Prudential’s DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) offers UK Register Shareholders the option to reinvest their dividends by acquiring existing shares of the Company on the London Stock Exchange. For further information please refer to our DRIP page.

Under the DRIP, shares are purchased in the market on the UK line using the cash dividends that would otherwise have been paid to shareholders. The purchased shares are then distributed to each electing shareholder. The DRIP is administered in the UK only by our registrars, Computershare Investor Services PLC, and not by the Company. 

If you elect for the Scrip dividend, this instruction will supersede the DRIP election for subsequent dividends unless you notify the registrars of the change in preference. 

What do I need to know before participating?
In order to receive new shares instead of a cash dividend, any UK Register Shareholder who elects to participate in the scrip dividend scheme needs to provide either (i) an address in Hong Kong or (ii) the details of a Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account. This is because the new shares are being issued on the Hong Kong share register, where a Hong Kong address or brokerage account is required.

If you do not provide a Hong Kong address or qualifying Hong Kong brokerage account, you may still elect to participate in the scrip dividend scheme but you will not be issued any new shares. Instead, the Company will arrange for the new shares to which you are entitled to be sold on your behalf via the Dealing Facility and as such you would be considered as a “Dealing Facility Shareholder”.

Note: The Dealing Facility is not available to Hong Kong Register shareholders and Singapore shareholders and ADR holders.

A Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account is a brokerage account that meets certain criteria set by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) or other regulatory bodies. These accounts are used for trading securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) and often come with specific benefits or requirements. See here for a list of qualifying Hong Kong brokers.

What do you need to do to participate?

You will need to (i) complete the applicable Mandate Form; or (ii) make a CREST election. The completed Mandate Form must be returned to, or elections received by, our registrars before the applicable Election Deadline Date.

Minimum number of shares

To qualify for participation in the scrip dividend scheme, you must also hold a minimum number of shares. This number is published on the Company’s website and is calculated by dividing the Scrip Reference Price by the dividend amount and then rounding it up to a whole share.

Example calculation of new shares allotted to Dealing Facility Shareholder and sale proceeds receivable

As an illustrative example, if you hold 1,000 ordinary shares on the Dividend Record Date, the Cash Dividend Rate was 10 US cents per share and the Scrip Reference Share Price was $9.25 per new share and you are considered a Dealing Facility Shareholder, then the following scenario is possible, with the outcome being you receive a pro rata share of the sale proceeds plus the cash balance:

  • Cash value of the dividend = 1,000 shares x 10 US cents = US$100
  • Number of new shares = US$100 ÷ US$9.25 = 10.81, rounded down to 10 new shares
  • Value of new shares = 10 X US$9.25 = US$92.50
  • Residual cash balance = US$100 - US$92.50 = US$7.50 and paid to shareholder in sterling converted using the exchange rate determined on the Exchange Rate Date
  • Share of the sale proceeds: 10 x the price per share achieved under the Dealing Facility less (if applicable) trading commissions, Hong Kong stamp duties and certain Exchange Fees and Levies, converted using the prevailing exchange rate

Note: The price per share achieved under the Dealing Facility may be higher or lower than the Scrip Reference Price of US$9.25 due to market movements.

If the Dealing Facility is to apply to my election, what are the Dealing Facility terms and costs?

Trading commissions

Dealing Facility Shareholders, or holders using a nominee, who, per share account, have made a scrip dividend election in respect of fewer than 50,000 ordinary shares on the Record Date (“Small Shareholders”) will not be charged any trading commissions in relation to the Dealing Facility.

Dealing Facility Shareholders other than the Small Shareholders (“Large Shareholders”) will be charged trading commissions (0.60 per cent.) in respect of the sale of the new shares to which they are entitled via the Dealing Facility. Such amounts will be deducted from the amount to be paid to the relevant Dealing Facility Shareholder.

Hong Kong Stamp duty and Exchange Fees and Levies

All Dealing Facility Shareholders will bear the costs of any Hong Kong stamp duty (0.10 per cent.) and Exchange Fees and Levies (comprising a Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong transaction levy of 0.0027 per cent., an Accounting and Financial Reporting Council transaction levy of 0.00015 per cent. and a HKEX trading fee of 0.00565 per cent.) in respect of the sale of the new shares to which they are entitled, and such amount will be deducted from the amount payable to them.

For more information on the Dealing Facility, please see the question below – What is a dealing facility?

What do you need to do to participate?

You may participate if you are a Hong Kong Shareholder, or a UK shareholder with a Hong Kong address or with a Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account.

In order to elect for the scrip dividend scheme and receive new shares instead of a cash dividend, you will need to:

  • if you are a Hong Kong Register Shareholder or a UK Register Shareholder holding shares in certificated form, complete the applicable Mandate Form;
  • if you are a UK Register Shareholder holding shares through CREST, make a CREST election; or
  • if you are a Hong Kong Register Shareholder holding through CCASS, make an election through your intermediary / CCASS.

The completed Mandate Form must be returned to, and elections must be received by, our registrars before the applicable Election Deadline Date.

Please note that if you are a UK Register Shareholder and hold your shares via CREST, you will also need to complete the Mandate Form (available for download at: ), so that you can provide an address in Hong Kong or a Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account (if you have one) in order to receive new scrip dividend shares instead of a cash dividend.

A Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account is a brokerage account that meets certain criteria set by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) or other regulatory bodies. These accounts are used for trading securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) and often come with specific benefits or requirements. See here for a list of qualifying Hong Kong brokers.

Example calculation of number and value of shares you will receive

As an illustrative example, if you hold 1,000 ordinary shares on the Dividend Record Date, the Cash Dividend Rate was 10 US cents per share and the Scrip Reference Share Price was $9.25 per new share, then the following scenario is possible, with the outcome being you receive 10 shares plus the cash balance:

  • Cash value of the dividend = 1,000 shares x 10 US cents = US$100
  • Number of new shares = US$100 ÷ US$9.25 = 10.81, rounded down to 10 new shares
  • Value of new shares = 10 x US$9.25 = US$92.50
  • Residual cash balance = US$100-US$92.50 = US$7.50,converted into sterling or Hong Kong Dollars using the exchange rate determined on the Exchange Rate Date

Minimum number of shares

  • To qualify for participation in whole shares, you must also hold a minimum number of shares. This number is published on the Company’s website and is calculated by dividing the Scrip Reference Price by the Dividend and then rounding it up to a whole share

Evergreen nature of the scrip dividend scheme

If you (other than a shareholder holding shares through CREST or an intermediary/CCASS) submit a Mandate Form, you will still have your election captured so as to participate in all future dividends in relation to which a scrip dividend alternative is offered and for which you are eligible to do participate, unless and until you inform us otherwise. If you are a shareholder holding shares through CREST or your intermediary/CCASS, you will need to complete an election for each scrip dividend for which you are eligible and your past elections will not be captured.


If you are a Hong Kong shareholder, you cannot participate in the Dealing Facility. If you are UK shareholder with a Hong Kong address or Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account, and want to participate in the share dealing scheme, please do not provide the HK address or Hong Kong qualifying brokerage account on the Election form. Note that the issuance may be in “odd lot” size which may incur greater dealing costs to deal in that size that an issuance in board lot. See HKEX website for further rules.

Yes, Singapore shareholders, whether holding directly (i.e. a Singapore Depositor) or via a Singapore Depository Agent are eligible to participate in the scrip dividend scheme alternative.

Shareholders who are Singapore Depositors may elect to participate in the scrip dividend scheme to receive the full dividend value in shares for the relevant dividend only or may elect to provide standing instructions to receive the full dividend value in shares for the relevant dividend declared and all future dividends where a scrip dividend alternative is offered. The latter election is called a ‘Permanent Election’.

Shares held through a Singapore Depository Agent are not eligible for a Permanent Election, and an election will need to be completed for each future dividend where a scrip dividend alternative is offered.

Elections made by Singapore Depositors or by Singapore Depository Agents on behalf of their sub-account holders must be made by the applicable Election Deadline Date.

Example calculation of number and value of shares you will receive

As an illustrative example, if you hold 1,000 ordinary shares on the Dividend Record Date, the Cash Dividend Rate was 10 US cents per share and the Scrip Reference Share Price was $9.25 per new share, then the following scenario is possible, with the outcome being you receive 10 shares plus the cash balance:

  • Cash value of the dividend = 1,000 shares x 10 US cents = US$100
  • Number of new shares = US$100 ÷ US$9.25 = 10.81, rounded down to 10 new shares
  • Value of new shares = 10 x US$9.25 = US$92.50
  • Cash balance = US$100-US$92.50 = US$7.50, converted to Singapore Dollars at the prevailing market rate.

Minimum number of shares

To qualify for participation, you must also hold a minimum number of shares. This number is published on the Company’s website and is calculated by dividing the Scrip Reference Price by the dividend amount and then rounding it up to a whole share.

Note: If you are a Singapore Shareholder, you cannot participate in the Dealing Facility.

If you are a UK Register Shareholder and have a prior DRIP mandate in place you may make an election to participate in the scrip dividend alternative. Please refer to the questions above which set out how you may participate in the scheme. 

If you elect to participate in the scrip dividend alternative, then that will replace your current DRIP mandate. If you subsequently make an election to participate in the DRIP, then that will replace your scrip dividend election.

Yes, you may.

What do you need to do
You do not need to do anything if you don’t have a current DRIP (or scrip dividend) mandate in place.

If you currently have a DRIP mandate in place (available to UK Register shareholders) and wish to switch to a cash dividend, please contact our registrars Computershare.

For future dividends, if you wish to cancel an existing scrip mandate, please contact either our registrars, Computershare, or CDP, as applicable.

Using the same scenario as before, cash dividends will continue to be calculated and paid as in the following example:

Cash value of your dividend = 1,000 shares x 10 US cents = US$100

Payment and exchange rate

  • In this case the cash amount of US$100 will be paid to you on the Dividend Payment Date (converted, if you have so elected, into sterling or Hong Kong Dollars using the exchange rate determined on the Exchange Rate Date).
  • Singapore Shareholders will receive payments in Singapore Dollars at the prevailing market exchange rate.
  • Holders of ADRs will receive payments in US Dollars through the ADR Depositary.

Any person who is located or resident in the United States of America or is a U.S. person, or is a holder of American Depository Receipts, is not eligible to participate in the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme and may receive the dividend only in cash.

The right to participate in the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme is not available to any person in any other jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Singapore where such an offer requires compliance by the Company with any governmental or regulatory procedures or any similar formalities.

Any shareholder who is resident in any jurisdiction outside of the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Singapore has the responsibility to make sure local governmental or regulatory procedures or formalities can be complied with before they make an election to participate in the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme.

Please refer to the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) for further information.

We are unable to advise you on the tax consequences. Indicative guidance on the tax treatment of the scrip dividend for certain tax residents of the United Kingdom and Hong Kong is set out in “Tax Information” provided above.

Supplemental tax information, incorporating the guidance set out in the initial circular, and reflecting all responses received by the Company from HM Revenue & Customs is attached here.

If you are unsure about your tax treatment and/or resident outside of the United Kingdom or Hong Kong, then we recommend that you consult a tax advisor for your local jurisdiction.

The Dealing Facility allows for participation in the scrip dividend scheme for those UK Register shareholders who do not provide an address in Hong Kong or details of a Hong Kong qualifying brokerage as the new scrip dividend shares will be issued on the Hong Kong line only. Such shareholders will not be issued the new scrip dividend shares. Instead, the Company will arrange for the new shares to which they are entitled to be sold on their behalf and the participating shareholder will receive their pro rata share of the sale proceeds (less certain deductions as applicable) for all new shares sold via the Dealing Facility.

Sales of new shares under the Dealing Facility will be carried out by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (“HSBC”), who have been contracted by the Company and will be issued with the participating shareholder’s entitlement of new shares for these purposes. 

Each shareholder may make only one election in respect of each share account and the election must be made in respect of the total shareholding in that share account. The Company at its discretion may permit partial elections by nominee shareholders. For further information please contact our registrar.

You may change your mind in relation to your scrip election at any time. If you wish to cancel or revoke your scrip dividend mandate, you may do so by the applicable Election Deadline Date. Please contact our registrars (or the CDP, if applicable).

You may change your mind in relation to your scrip dividend election at any time. If you wish to cancel or revoke your scrip dividend mandate, you may do so by the applicable Election Deadline Date:

  • if you are a Hong Kong Register Shareholder holding shares in certificated form, by giving notice of cancellation in writing to our registrars;
  • if you are a Hong Kong Register Shareholder holding shares in uncertificated form through an intermediary/CCASS, you cannot apply an evergreen election and, therefore, do not have to cancel or revoke your scrip dividend mandate;
  • if you are a UK Register Shareholder holding shares in certificated form, by giving notice of cancellation in writing to our registrars;
  • if you are a UK Register Shareholder holding shares in uncertificated form through CREST, you cannot apply an evergreen election through CREST and, therefore, do not have to cancel or revoke your scrip dividend mandate; and
  • if you are a Singapore Shareholder who has made a Permanent Election, by providing CDP with a notice of cancellation in the prescribed form which is available from CDP upon request.

If our registrars or CDP do not receive your notice by the applicable Election Deadline Date, you will receive your dividend payment in accordance with your existing Mandate Form or Permanent Election. If you cancel or revoke your scrip dividend mandate, you will receive any future dividend payments in cash (unless you are a UK Register Shareholder who has made a DRIP election).

If you have a prior DRIP mandate and subsequently make an election for the scrip dividend scheme (or equally if you have an existing Mandate Form in respect of the scrip dividend scheme and subsequently make an election to participate in the DRIP), the later of the elections will be processed by our registrars.

For a full-list of the most asked questions – please consult our FAQ document.

Helpline and online assistance

If you have any questions about the dividend arrangements, please call Computershare during local opening hours on the telephone numbers below.

Hong Kong Register shareholders: (+852) 2862 8629.
9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (Hong Kong time) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

United Kingdom (UK) Register Shareholders: +44 (0)370 707 1507.
8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (UK time) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays

Singapore CDP Holders: +65 6535 7511.
8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Singapore time) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

To contact the registrar and to check your shareholding, please visit the below website and register (if you haven’t already done so). You will need your shareholder reference number. Alternatively, you can check your holding balance by contacting Computershare by telephone on +44 (0)370 707 1507.

Computershare Investor Centre – UK

Please note that neither Computershare nor CDP will be able to provide comment or advice on the merits of the Evergreen Scrip Dividend Scheme or provide any financial or tax advice. Shareholders may wish to contact their own independent financial advisor for such guidance.

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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For M&G and Prudential UK customers and policyholders:

In October 2019, Prudential plc separated its UK operations and, as a result of this separation, Prudential UK is now owned by M&G plc. The M&G plc group is a separate, independent group and as such we are not able to help any M&G or Prudential UK customers or policyholders.

Therefore, to find the best way to make contact, please visit

For further information on the M&G plc group, please visit the M&G website: