Dividend timetable

Item 2024 first interim 2024 second interim
Ex-dividend date 5 September 2024 (Hong Kong, UK and Singapore) 27 March 2025 (Hong Kong, UK and Singapore)
Record date 6 September 2024 (UK, Singapore and ADR holders)
9 September 2024 (Hong Kong)*
28 March 2025
Payment of dividend 23 October 2024 (Hong Kong, UK and ADR holders)
On or around 30 October 2024 (Singapore)
14 May 2025 (Hong Kong, UK and ADR holders)
On or around 21 May 2025 (Singapore)

* Changed from 6 September 2024 to 9 September 2024 as detailed in the announcement released on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on 6 September 2024.

Item 2024 2023 2022 2021
First Interim (US cents per Share) 6.84 6.26 5.74 5.37
Second interim (US cents per Share) 16.29 14.21 13.04 11.86


For shareholders who did not elect to receive their dividend in US dollars, please refer to the table below.

Item 2024 2023 2022 2021
First Interim (GBp per Share)
First Interim (HKD per Share)
Second interim (GBp per Share)
Second interim (HKD per Share)



First interim (US$) Second interim (US$)
per ADR

per ADR

2021 0.1074 0.2372
2022 0.1148 0.2608
2023 0.1252 0.2842
2024 0.1368 0.3258


Historical Dividend information

Dividend per share

Dividends are approved in US dollars and shareholders on the UK and Hong Kong registers will receive payments in pounds sterling or Hong Kong dollars respectively unless they elect to receive their payment in US dollars. The foreign exchange rate at which dividends declared in US dollars are to be converted into pounds sterling and Hong Kong dollars will be announced prior to the payment of the dividend. Further information about how to elect to receive payment in US dollars can be found at https://www.prudentialplc.com/investors/shareholder-information/dividend/dividend-currency-election

If you hold your shares in a securities account with The Central Depository (Pte.) Limited (CDP), the amount you receive in Singapore dollars will be calculated at an exchange rate as determined by CDP.

If you hold American Depositary Shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange, you will receive your dividends in dollars. One American Depositary Receipt represents 2 ordinary shares and therefore the dividend per share is multiplied by 2.

Dividend mandate form

Shareholders need to complete a dividend mandate form in order to receive dividends on shares held on the UK register. Your cash dividend will be paid directly into your bank or building society account. Please print, complete and return the dividend mandate form to the UK registrar, or add your bank details to your investor centre account via Computershare Investor Centre - UK

Shareholders on the Hong Kong register may provide their bank account details in Hong Kong for receiving dividend payments. Details may be submitted to Computershare either by (i) using the “Change of banking instruction for dividends” form, or (ii) by providing a duly signed written instruction by mail or delivered in person, clearly stating which shares they are referring to, the shareholder’s name and address, and their bank account details. Due to security reasons, email or fax instructions will not be accepted.

Dividend payments to shareholders on the Hong Kong register can only be remitted electronically, in Hong Kong dollars, to local bank accounts. Any shareholders who have not provided valid bank details will be issued with a cheque payment posted to the shareholder’s registered address.

Dividends in other currencies

In addition to the option to elect to receive payment in US dollars, it is possible to pay dividends to shareholders on the UK register in certain other currencies for a nominal handling charge. If you would like to take advantage of this facility, please visit Computershare Investor Centre - UK and add your overseas bank details to your account.

Dividend allowance changes

From 6 April 2018 the dividend allowance has changed. To understand how you are affected by the changes and for further information visit the HMRC website.

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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For M&G and Prudential UK customers and policyholders:

In October 2019, Prudential plc separated its UK operations and, as a result of this separation, Prudential UK is now owned by M&G plc. The M&G plc group is a separate, independent group and as such we are not able to help any M&G or Prudential UK customers or policyholders.

Therefore, to find the best way to make contact, please visit www.pru.co.uk/contact-us

For further information on the M&G plc group, please visit the M&G website: www.mandg.com