
First interim (GBp) Second interim (GBp)
ref price
ref price
1998 - - 14.00 881.90
1999 7.70 1003.40 15.30 986.00
2000 8.20 1035.40 16.30 806.70
2001 8.70 772.40 16.70 680.10
2002 8.90 440.60 17.10 394.80
2003 5.30 460.85 10.70 448.40
2004 5.40 428.55 10.65 481.70
2005 5.30 510.80 11.02 690.60
2006 5.42 577.00 11.72 742.80
2007 5.70 647.40 12.30 664.20
2008 5.99 544.90 12.91 358.10
2009 6.29 526.28 13.56 569.60
2010 6.61 569.30 - -
price (Note)
price (Note)
2010 - - 17.24 733.02^
2011 7.95 563.18 17.24 691.22
2012 8.40 818.71 20.79 1189.01
2013 9.73 1185.88 23.84 1413.39
2014 11.19 1446.81 25.74 1671.60
2015 12.31 1376.7512 36.47 1345.6129
2016 12.93 1408.9298 30.57 1781.6016
2017 14.50 1793.0833 32.50 1950.2595
2018 15.67 1822.0545 33.68 1687.4736
2019 16.45 1466.1304
First Interim (US cents) Second interim (US cents)
price (Note)
ref price
price (Note)
ref price
2019 - - - 25.97 1065.0437 -
2020 5.37 1167.2809 - 10.73 1519.5398 -
2021 5.37 1450.2848 - 11.86 960.3968 -
2022 5.74 957.1365 - 13.04 1169.1150 -
2023 6.26 871.6600 - 14.21 819.3100 -
2024 6.84 655.22 804.6366      


Includes a special dividend of 10.00p

(1) Prior to September 2018 inclusive of 0.5% dealing commission and 0.5% stamp duty.
(2) From September 2018 to February 2023 inclusive of 0.75% dealing commission and 0.5% stamp duty.
(3) From 2022 Second Interim Dividend onwards exclusive of dealing commission and stamp duty. The dealing commission is 1.5% with a minimum fee of £2.00 (effective from 31 March 2023) and the stamp duty remains unchanged at 0.5%. More detailed information are provided in the share purchase statement sent to shareholders at the time of dividend payment.


First interim (US$) Second interim (US$)


2004 - 0.4047
2005 0.18444 0.4047
2006 0.201624 0.3857
2007 0.232058 0.461088
2008 0.2378749 0.3766622
2009 0.208173 0.406474


2010 0.207395 0.554403
2011 0.244144 0.539991
2012 0.27221 0.625945
2013 0.31136 0.803503
2014 0.364614 0.805404
2015 0.375258 1.057921*
2016 0.335016 0.795309
2017 0.289035 0.874575
2018 0.3134 0.859311
2019 0.4052951 0.5194
2020 0.1074 0.2146
2021 0.1074 0.2372
2022 0.1148 0.2608
2023 0.1252 0.2842
2024 0.1368  

* Includes a special dividend

The Scrip Reference Price

The Scrip dividend reference price was used to calculate how many shares would be paid to shareholders if they had elected to receive their dividend in the form of shares instead of cash. The number of shares due to be paid was calculated by dividing the total cash dividend due on each shareholding by the Scrip dividend reference price. The Scrip dividend reference price was calculated as the average of the middle market quotations for Prudential’s ordinary shares as derived from the Daily Official List of the London Stock Exchange for the five business days commencing on the ex-dividend date. No Scrip dividend was offered in November 1997 or May 1998.

The Dividend Re-investment Plan ('the DRIP')

^On 26 May 2011, the Company changed from a Scrip dividend to a Dividend Re-investment Plan ('the DRIP'). Under the DRIP, shares are purchased in the market using the cash dividends that would otherwise have been paid to shareholders. The purchased shares are then distributed to each electing shareholder in proportion to the amount of their cash dividend receivable. The price paid for the shares will only be known after all the shares have been purchased.

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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If you are looking for an affiliate of Prudential Financial, Inc, whose principal place of business is in the United States of America.

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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For M&G and Prudential UK customers and policyholders:

In October 2019, Prudential plc separated its UK operations and, as a result of this separation, Prudential UK is now owned by M&G plc. The M&G plc group is a separate, independent group and as such we are not able to help any M&G or Prudential UK customers or policyholders.

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