The Group’s consolidated financial statements are presented in US dollars (USD). Shareholders holding their shares on the UK and Hong Kong share registers will receive their dividend payments in pounds sterling or Hong Kong dollars (HKD) respectively unless they elect to receive payment in USD. Elections may be revoked and dividend payments will default to payments in pounds sterling or HKD respectively.
The timing for making such an election is announced at the time each dividend is approved and shareholders may contact Computershare for further information.
The cash dividend is quoted in USD and the amount that shareholders will receive per share in pounds sterling or in HKD is expected to be announced prior to the payment of the dividend.
How to make a currency election
For shares held in certificated form on the UK register, USD elections can be made by downloading the currency election form and returning it once completed to Computershare using the address detailed on the form.
Shareholders holding their shares in dematerialised form on the UK register will receive their dividends primarily in CREST. These shareholders will need to ensure that Euroclear UK and Ireland has set their dividend mandate flag accordingly. Furthermore, in order to receive dividends across the available currencies, pounds sterling and USD, these shareholders should provide CREST Memorandum Accounts for each of these currencies.
Alternatively, shareholders who do not opt to receive dividends in CREST should provide their bank account details to Computershare. USD bank account details can be provided via Computershare Investor Centre - UK, or by completing the currency election form and returning it to Computershare.
CREST Members should ensure the relevant dividend election is also made or revoked in CREST.
For shares held in certificated form on the Hong Kong register, USD elections can be made or revoked using the currency election form that will be sent to shareholders by Computershare. Please contact Computershare using the details below if you do not receive the form.
If you take no action, your dividend will continue to be paid in the relevant currency set out above.
For further information, please contact Computershare.