Led by the Chair, the Board is collectively responsible for the long-term sustainable success of the Company. It does this by setting the strategy and strategic objectives, approving capital allocations, annual budgets and business plans for the Group, overseeing the operations and monitoring financial performance and reporting. The Board establishes the Group’s purpose and values and approves the environmental, social and governance policies, satisfying itself that these and the Group’s culture are aligned with the strategy. Further, the Board is responsible for ensuring that an effective system of internal control and risk management is in place, approving the Group’s overall risk appetite and tolerance and endorsing the Directors’ Remuneration Policy for approval by shareholders.
The strategic report of the 2024 Annual Report provides further detail on Prudential's risk appetite and exposures (pages 55 to 73) and the Sustainability section provides further detail on Prudential's sustainability activities (pages 100 – 132).
Further information on specific policies can be found on the policies and statements page.
Group Governance Report including Board roles
Nomination and Governance Committee report
Sustainability Committee report
Audit Committee report
Risk Committee report
Remuneration Committee report
Index to principal Directors’ report disclosures
Additional information